Oh - I talk about them the way I do because my toons invariably end up having minds of their own after a while - I just go with it. Realistically, if you are short one or two fellowship members, it might not hurt to have a 66 warden along for the ride. Younger brother suffers from the classic 'I'm not the eldest so I'm not good enough' symdrome, but is a lot more easy-going in general, possibly because he grew up with mum in Lindon - when he isn't trying to best his brother, that is! If he were of a level, it would be really interesting to have him there, I grant, especially since he's seen the chaos in the Mirkwood (he grew up there). We won't mention that night he got drunk in a dwarven bar (well, something in his bottle obviously needed uncorking!), but he is getting over his absolute loathing of all things dwarf - albeit slowly. Not sure Caer would go with you, he *might* - he's from the Mirkwood, and it was bad enough getting him into Thorin's to do weaponsmithing. Want to take the boys through Angmar and Forochel and the Misties, at least partly, for virtues and page grinding, but I won't be able to buy any quest packs until next week - so for now (and they'll hate it) I'm going to finish up their 75 quests in the Shire each, because they're melee, so they need high innocence, as well as the few quests in the areas I don't have that I managed to grab for them, so they should get another couple of levels by then anyway. I've got Moria, as well as Evendim, Trollshaws, Eregion, Loth, and Mirkwood.

The problem is thus: I had a subscription, it ran out. Gar needs to do it because she really didn't finish Moria (general loathing of the place and the - ahem - bedbug incident). Not at 42, no - most of the Moria quests start at 52, and that's a ten-level gap.