Similarly, if you want to sync iPod with Chromebook you have to use the Google Play Music on your Chromebook. But, we can get the access to our iTunes music using Goole Play Music in the Chromebook. In the above section, we have the information that we can not download the official iTunes on the Chromebook. Read more: How to Transfer Files From iPhone to PC Without iTunes How to Sync iPod with Chromebook This is the best way to download iTunes with Chromebook.

Now, download and install the Google Play Music on your Chromebook by clicking on the Add to Chrome button.So far the company is off to a great start, having launched the laptop with 11th-gen Intel processors in 2021 and followed through with mainboard upgrades for 12th-gen processors in 2022. But the Framework Laptop has hours less battery life than our top ultrabook pick, and the ability to upgrade and repair it down the line depends on the company continuing to exist and to supply parts.

It’s sturdy and surprisingly thin and light for how modular its design is, and it has a reliable keyboard and trackpad plus a bright and spacious display. And the Framework Laptop is an excellent computer, too.

You can add more memory and storage, but you can also replace the battery, upgrade the mainboard with a new processor, or repair anything else if it breaks-the display, the fingerprint reader, the keyboard, the hinge, you name it.

Each part and screw is helpfully labeled, along with handy QR codes that direct you to step-by-step replacement guides that also contain links to the exact parts you’ll need. Why we like this one: Every part of the Framework Laptop is super easy to repair and upgrade, and Framework makes all of its parts available to purchase on its website.